General forensic consultation includes assessment, psychological testing and litigation consultation, Dr. Fenella Das Gupta Ph.D. may be retained by prosecution and defense counsel (Criminal and Courts Martial) for the following:
In addition, consultation and litigation services are provided for licensed mental health professionals facing either inquiry or investigation by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) and the Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists (Oregon).
Forensic Psychological Evaluations are typically complicated and labor intensive. The entire evaluation process will take, at a minimum, 12 to 15 hours, including record review, forensic interviews, forensic psychological testing, test scoring, and forensic report writing. Each examinee differs in the time they may take, to complete testing. Each case varies in terms of the volume of discovery or records required for review. As such, some evaluations require a greater expenditure of time. More complex evaluations can take 20-30 hours or more to complete. This will be discussed at the onset of the case in which you are retaining forensic consultation or assessment.
Below is the Fee schedule for services. Dr. Fenella Das Gupta, Ph.D. MFT will consider accepting other fee agreements that may be required or customary for a particular agency, law firm or a specific court. This work will be accepted on a case-by-case basis, and will require a contractual agreement between the parties.
Following an initial consultation by phone, a good faith estimate will be provided outlining the services provided. Should further work be needed, Dr Das Gupta will indicate as necessary. A retainer of 5 hours ($2,000) must be submitted, along with a signed fee agreement, in order to begin work on a case. Upon exhaustion of the fee agreement, a monthly invoice will be sent to counsel, due upon receipt. Failure to complete payment each month will result in the cessation of work and/or cancellation of any scheduled appointments, pending account payment. Unused retainer balances are returned as credit. All tax preparation must reflect the actual fees paid, if a credit balance has been refunded.
Is charged at the hourly rate of $400 ( max 4 hours will be charged) for “no show” or late cancellations occurring with insufficient notice (24 hours) for forensic interviews online. This represents the minimal time that has been reserved for your client for this service.
Disclaimer: Regardless of the source of fees, Dr. Fenella Das Gupta Ph.D. operates as an independent evaluator and consultant. Conclusions will be offered in an unbiased, ethical and professional manner utilizing a best practices approach. As a consequence, the conclusions and recommendations that result, may not always support the outcome which was anticipated or desired by counsel. You are welcome to discuss the findings of any evaluation in order to determine how you wish to incorporate these services and the conclusions which were drawn in your case.